Sustainable Dimboola

Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better.

Living lightly, mindfully and responsibly.

Refuse plastic
Refusing to Consume
Refusing to buy new products can feel hard to do at first, but like most things it becomes easier with time.
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Single use plastic waste on the beach
Single use plastic recycling
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Being Sustainable in Summer
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Learn how to live more sustainably, within Earth's capacity to replenish itself.

Good food


Grow resilience and be a part of a happy, healthy community.


Attend workshops and learn how to make a difference.


Wren Bennet, a resident of Dimboola, has been a long term advocate for sustainable living.

With BA’s in Sustainable Development and Community Development, which assist Wren to develop programs for the entire family, Her passion for regenerating, preserving and sustaining the environment has been inspirational and contagious, as she has spread awareness of the importance of living a sustainable way of life. 

boletus, mushroom, real


Whether you’d like to reduce waste, learn how to preserve, grow veges or plant some trees, we’re here to answer any questions.

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